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We have these sweet little lizards in Northern California where I live called Blue Bellies. They hold a lot of magic, including possible the future cure for Borellia Burgdorferi, Lyme disease. And I love them just for being. The skitter along old wood rails we use in the garden, they scale walls, and of course they do Blue Bellies, the yoga push-up I teach in my classes. Blue Bellies are a gentle, strength building alternative to cataranga and plank pose. Women, men and kids of all ages love the way they too can work their upper arms, strengthen their abdominals and increase stamina without compromising their low back, wrists, or other joints. See my video tutorial below. You can insert them into your sun salute, or even do them at the wall. Practice Blue Bellies often and enjoy the benefits of powerful Blue Belly Lizard Medicine!

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